So there's a report around that the NAACP has a delegation appearing before the United Nations Human Rights Commission, asking for an investigation into voting in the United States. It seems that the NAACP's constitutuency is being shut out of the election process.
There's some arithmetic involved in their complaint. You know that convicted felons are barred from voting. That's one of the consequences of committing a felony, the same as fines and incarceration.
About 20% of convicted felons are black, but blacks only amount to about 12% of the population. Thus, suppression of voting rights falls disproportionately on blacks. Got that?
Oh, the humanity! Convicted felons sobbing themselves to sleep in their cells over not being permitted to vote while locked up. And the horror continues even after release from the penitentiary, because even while the term of incarceration is completed, the individual remains a convicted felon who can't vote. Quite understandably, in consequence of the sense of loss and incompleteness that comes when a felon can't vote, felons turn to drugs and violence as a distraction from their bitter disappointment at having the ballot box slammed shut on their fingers. Metaphorically.
Oh, if only someone older and wiser had taken these young felons aside when they were but mere delinquints, and had explained that wandering from the path of righteousness leads to loss of the right to vote, why, the crime rate would surely have been reduced.
Just imagine. If only people had had "that talk" with the young delinquints, perhaps America would now be treated with the sight of younsters wearing Boy Scout neckerchiefs, where today you see them sporting a droop with their pants permanently around their knees and their ass in the breeze.
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