Thursday, December 23, 2004

I'm just saying . . .

The founders of this country imagined and hoped for a new kind of society, one which would be free from the injustices and inequities arising from class distinctions. My impression is that they wanted, not a society where upper class would not oppress lower classes, but rather a classless society.

Well, I've been tuning in to the mainstream media of late and I've good news to report. The dreams of the founders of this country have become largely realized. Tune your television to nearly any station at all and you'll find the evidence shining phosphorescent before you. No damn class at all.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

You People . . . .

. . . Who've become recently charmed by your capacity to see the world in only two of the primary colors - red and blue - need to settle down. Whether we say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays is not a red or blue thing.

I was in a Borders yesterday here in Portland and I overheard somebody observing to a companion how surprising it is that a song repeating the word, "Christmas," over and over and over was being played over the store sound system. The companion agreed, noting that most of us here in blue states were aware that not everybody is a Christian. Saying "Season's Greetings," is more inclusive.

Being inclusive is, of course, good. So is being aware. Store clerks are now saying "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings," or some such. How far we've come.

But I don't consider it's about being blue or red or inclusive at all. I think it's just that people want to say something nice and appropriate to the season, and are attempting to adjust as best they can to a world in which recognition and reward comes to those who take loud offense at every instance where a normal human interchange can possibly be condemned as being insufficiently mindful of another's tender self-esteem. You know who I mean. Green Weenies. Nihilists. Race Rangers. Cult Commandos. Lifestyle Lieutenants. Defenders of the Faith. Any Faith. Cycle Soldiers. Anti-capitalists. Celebrities. Gender Guerrillas. And Guerrillettes. A*Holes. And A*Holettes.

(And how did people and places that used to be more than a little pink, get blue?)

I say, just relax. And if somebody says, "Merry Christmas," to you, oh, just say it back.

And if anybody says "Seasons Greetings" to you, or "Slippery Soltice" or "Whoopee Wica," or some such, first, be aware that they may not be Christian. Nevertheless those persons should not be made to feel excluded. Give them a response appropriate to their sentiment. Say, "Bite me."

Oh, and Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Well look what I found!

Look what I found, just sitting around doing nothing. SciFi. Take a look at this. In such circumstances we used to say, "Groovy," but nobody talks that way any more. Oh, and thanks, Baen.

Nothing much. How about you?

Okay, then. First post, just to see if this thing is going or not. Let it now be known that I've completed all planned Christmas shopping, wrapped all gifts, and stuck them under the tree. Time to go shop some more.
